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Cwmaber Infant & Junior Schools

Dosbarth Tri



Welcome to the Spring Term in Dosbarth Tri! Our topic this term is "Changes".


We cannot wait to see all the work the children do during this term!



Languages, Literacy and Communication


During the first half term, we will study the Welsh legend of Cantre’r Gwaelod and then rewrite it in our own words. Who will win this story writing competition in the Eisteddfod? We will be continuing the Welsh theme in our poetry writing. Again, this will be a competition in the Eisteddfod. After half term, we have the opportunity to make objects as part of our instructional writing. We will learn to talk about ourselves and write simple sentences in Welsh and Spanish.


Maths and Numeracy


We will begin the term by looking at multiplication and division and have many opportunities to practise these concepts using practical resources. Later in the term, we will have the opportunity to practise our data handling skills by focusing on creating pictograms, tallies and bar charts. These skills will be used within our Science work too. We will develop our reasoning and problem solving skills in different contexts.


Science and Technology


This term, we are learning about plants which fits in well with our ‘Changes’ topic. We will learn the names of different plant parts and the jobs that they do. An investigation will take place where we will discover what plants need to grow and we will use our data handling skills when studying the results and presenting our findings. A second investigation will focus on the transportation of water within plants. Finally, we will identify parts of a flower and explore the different stages of the life cycle of a flowering plant.




Firstly, we will be looking at our local area and discuss what we know and want to find out about changes to Abertridwr over time. We will go on a walk to explore Abertridwr and find out more about the land use. In particular, we will look at the different house styles and use our Maths skills to construct a bar chart to show our findings. Later in the term, we have an exciting visit to St Fagan’s planned where we will take part in a ‘Wash Day’ workshop. Above returning to school, we will create a record of our visit and discuss how life has changed.


Expressive Arts


It’s competition time again! This term, we will be concentrating on Art and our work will have a Welsh theme. We will study different sculptures and say how we think and feel about them. The playground will be used to gather ideas by taking photos of interesting patterns and shapes. Next, we will design a sculpture that will change and improve our local area, making sure that we include a Welsh theme. Clay will be used to create this sculpture. What patterns and shapes will we include? Finally, we will use two stars and a wish to evaluate the sculptures.


Health and Wellbeing


This term we will continue to use Jigsaw to deliver our personal, social and emotional health and wellbeing lessons. The focus for the first half-term is Dreams and Goals and the second half-term will be Healthy Me. The Jigsaw lessons will nurture our pupils to be confident and successful, increasing their capacity to learn and preparing them for the challenges of the modern world and to develop their emotional intelligence and life skills.


The Year 3 Team – Miss Knight, Miss Howells, Mrs Evans and Miss McNamara