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Cwmaber Infant & Junior Schools



Welcome to Nursery.

Mrs. Vincent is the class teacher.

Mrs. Smith is the class assistant. 


We ask that your children are as independent as possible coming into Nursery so please support them with this at home. Make sure that they are wearing clothing that makes it easy for them to access the toilets and please practice them putting on coats and shoes independently. If there are any issues with this please do not hesitate to come and see us.


We do P.E. on Thursday's, sometimes in the hall and sometimes outdoors, especially at this time of year. so please make sure your child is wearing appropriate clothing and shoes that are easy for them to remove independently if needed.


We have snack on a daily basis so please send fresh fruit or vegetables in with your child, in a pot labelled with their name, there is also the option of buying a banana from Mrs. Ralphs tuck shop for 30p if needed. All children have access to milk each day but if they do not like milk they can bring in water in a bottle that they can drink instead.


Our topic for this term is All About Me. We will be looking at the children and their families, who they live with and what type of house they live in, as well as things that they like to do outside of school and favourite things to eat.


Do not forget to connect to your child's Seesaw account for weekly updates of what we get up to in class.


We will be spending time outside most days this term so please make sure  your child is always dressed appropriately, and as the weather warms up this will include a sun hat and wearing sun cream each day.


Children will have learning log home tasks every Friday, and we enjoy looking at them in class together. Please can you make sure the books are returned by Thursday so we can get them ready for the next task.


You can contact Mrs. Vincent on her email


Should you need to contact the school please use

or ring on 02920 830248

Nursery Fun